To live is to die.

"When a man lies he murders
Some part of the world
These are the pale deaths which
Men miscall their lives
All this i cannot bear
To witness any longer
Cannot the kingdom of salvation
Take me home."

Clifford Lee Burton (1962-1986)

domingo, 9 de diciembre de 2012

Wasting some time

Be kind to your peers, and life shall provide. Its a principle quite easy to understand, but I'm afraid its not so easy to fulfil. Some people think they don't disserve love, and someone who doesn't love himself hardly ever shares this love with others. Find a person, or try to be found. Don't be a boring human being, for you won't be allowing yourself to outshine those around you. It's almost impossible that you're not better at something than someone in this world. And there is also someone out there that will appreciate whatever your personal skill or feature you have. When you will find it, you will know. There is something in your stomach, something that you wont' seem to be able to digest.

Wake up with a smile on your face, for your day begins whenever you decide to leave the bed, and that's why some days never begin. Rolling trough the bed sheets might seem like a pointless activity but oh, believe me when I tell you its food for your soul. Did you know that kissing the person you love releases endorphins 200 times stronger than morphine? Well, now you do. If you want to call this a waste of time its ok, but then go ahead and waste time. Love its a free, completely legal and wonderful drug.

-Daniel Lee Burton