To live is to die.

"When a man lies he murders
Some part of the world
These are the pale deaths which
Men miscall their lives
All this i cannot bear
To witness any longer
Cannot the kingdom of salvation
Take me home."

Clifford Lee Burton (1962-1986)

domingo, 9 de diciembre de 2012

Wasting some time

Be kind to your peers, and life shall provide. Its a principle quite easy to understand, but I'm afraid its not so easy to fulfil. Some people think they don't disserve love, and someone who doesn't love himself hardly ever shares this love with others. Find a person, or try to be found. Don't be a boring human being, for you won't be allowing yourself to outshine those around you. It's almost impossible that you're not better at something than someone in this world. And there is also someone out there that will appreciate whatever your personal skill or feature you have. When you will find it, you will know. There is something in your stomach, something that you wont' seem to be able to digest.

Wake up with a smile on your face, for your day begins whenever you decide to leave the bed, and that's why some days never begin. Rolling trough the bed sheets might seem like a pointless activity but oh, believe me when I tell you its food for your soul. Did you know that kissing the person you love releases endorphins 200 times stronger than morphine? Well, now you do. If you want to call this a waste of time its ok, but then go ahead and waste time. Love its a free, completely legal and wonderful drug.

-Daniel Lee Burton

lunes, 19 de noviembre de 2012

A brief letter to my dying future self.

            So many days wasted trying to find the answer, when the answer is that there is no question. Life is what happens between the day of your birth and the day of your dead. Think of it as a parenthesis, you know when it begins and you know its going to end at some point. Knowing that you can fill it with everything you want, but you can not delete what you have already written. Of course you can cross some parts out but everyone will know there was something there and that for some reason you tried to hide it. Yesterday is history, today is reality and tomorrow is a mystery.
            Everyone that's been a part of your life has already gained a space between both brackets. Whether its good or bad, there it is, a tiny piece of your social environment and an insignificant molecule among all the human beings that could be as important but they just didn't get a chance yet. So go outside, not outside of your house but outside of your personal bounds. The comfort zone is not as sure as its seems, its made of bubble paper, once you burst the bubbles its just some useless plastic. A cocoon  you'll leave behind. My point is, if it makes you happy go for it.
            Don't say you'd die for someone, its quite likely that they wouldn't do the same for you. Die happy, beholding what you left behind with a smile on your face. All you need is someone to remember you, someone to keep that parenthesis you've created in "the Big Book of Life" alive.
            But hey, how do I know? I'm just a teenager right? Well, at least I know that if I try to write something like this by the end of my days, and what I would write doesn't differ much from this, I'll die with a smile on my face knowing that I was true to myself my whole life.


miércoles, 9 de mayo de 2012


Le dernier éclat c'est le plus puissant. La bougie émet un fil de fumée et tait pour jamais retourner. Ce matin parait la première vrai matin depuis trop des années, en lutant avec la solitude et en train de vivre ce qui quelqu'un pourrais appeler vie. Le reste des jours, ce sont que des excuses pour sentir que le monde tourne encore et que ce coeur battre encore pour une raison. C'est pour ça que ma seule option c'est jouer au jeu encore un fois jusqu'au moment ou il n'y a pas rien avec ce qu'on peut jouer. Voici moi même en parlant avec l'obscurité du nouveau jour, bien que c'est seulement moi qui a découvert que la lumière c'est pas si étincelant si on n'a pas rien que illuminer. Alors, je retourne a mon cachette et attends.

martes, 17 de enero de 2012

3:54 AM

Al llegar, como cada noche, destrozado al lecho que tantas vigilias como ausencias ha presenciado. Abrumado por cuestiones que quizás jamás encuentren respuesta y con el falso abrigo proporcionado por las miradas de una entidad extraña que cada noche cambia de apariencia y de ser, aparentemente con el único objetivo de hacerme caer en la confusión. Demasiados pasos se han dado en la dirección errónea para poder volver al comienzo y encauzarse de nuevo hacia esa senda correcta, ese camino que hace que cada noche y cada tarde, incluso las ahora olvidadas mañanas tengan un sentido. Quizás la necesidad de alguien con quien compartir mis vivencias hace que todo parezca aun mas vacuo. La amistad parece desgastarse con cada palabra y el significado del amor lleva demasiadas lunas perdido en parajes del olvido. Incluso a un servidor le suena contradictoria la idea del ser como algo incompleto, como algo inacabado, que necesita ser arrojado a un mar de azar para encontrar ese fragmento extraviado que hace que todo funcione en el momento exacto, como si de un mecanismo de relojería se tratase. Y mientras este concepto se gestaba en una parte de la mente de un joven confuso e inmaduro, el resto de su cabeza se centraba tan solo en hechos condicionales: lo que se podría haber dicho, hecho, pensado... cualquier cosa. Todo estaba mal, todo era insuficiente. A pesar del desasosiego que le causaban las imágenes dispersas, que se desvanecían a medida que avanzaba el crepúsculo, supo encontrar la calma y la claridad, alcanzando un estado de equilibrio entre el orden y el caos, un lugar indescriptible e irremplazable, un lugar propio, un lugar que decidió llamar Hogar. Daniel Lee Burton